
The Willow Grove Cemetery Complex is located
on Morris Street between Livingston Avenue and George Street in
downtown New Brunswick, New Jersey. The five acre site is actually
made up of three smaller cemeteries; each founded and originally
operated independently. Closest to Livingston Avenue and adjacent
to the New Brunswick Free Public Library property is Willow Grove
Cemetery, founded in 1851. Next to Willow Grove Cemetery is the
cemetery known as Cheesman or Central Cemetery, founded in 1868.
The third and oldest cemetery, Presbyterian Cemetery, was relocated
from Burnett Street to its present setting in 1837. This cemetery
is situated between Cheesman Cemetery and the Hope VI housing complex
on George Street.
Buried in this site are seven former mayors of the City of New Brunswick,
one United States Senator, a member of the United States House of
Representatives, as well as people of influence and industry in New
Jersey during the mid 19th through early 20th centuries. The Willow
Grove Cemetery is also the final resting-place of the first Japanese
exchange student to the United States and New Brunswick's Unknown
The City of New Brunswick received a Grant from the New Jersey
Historical Commission, a division of Cultural Affairs in the Department
of State. The Grant aided in the indexing of the grave markers and
the development of this web site.