Carved Surfaces: Front=Y
/ Back=N / Side=Y
/ Top=N
Carving Technique: Engraved=Y
/ Relief=Y / High=N
Decorative Carving Motif: Lettering Only=Y
/ Winged Angel=N /
Face=N / Border=N
/ Urn=N / Other=N
Condition of the Marker: Sound
Condition of the Inscription: Clear but Worn
Inscription/Epitaph/Notes: Wife of James Neilson and dau. of Isaac Baker Woodbury and Mary Abbie Putnam his wife. Born in Salem Mass., Nov. 29, 1846:mar. in St. Matthaeus Church, Berlin, Dec. 15, 1870. Died at Woodlawn, New Brunswick, N.J. Jan. 20, 1914